Legit travel advice mission statement

Dear reader

I am new to blogging. this is in fact my first blog post. the point of this blog will be to make an open source travel advice blog that isn't a listicle or a shill selling something or just bad.

After I came back from travelling I wrote some advice and information about my travelling experience and wanted to post it somewhere and couldn't find anywhere that would accept guest pieces or even had the kind of writing that I would have actually wanted to read before I left. This is an attempt to remedy that and to facilitate the sharing of travel information. Due to the nature of blog-spot blogs blogs can have multiple authors so if you the reader want to share some great advice from your travelling then feel free to message me and I'll add you as an author and you can publish your piece. This way there can be a big centralized list of legit travel advice for budding adventurers.



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